+386 31 748 428 training@compedu.si


IS730: IBM BigFix Content Development

DURATION: 3 days

SCHEDULED DATES: TBD – Contact Us for more Information


In this three-day course on IBM BigFix Content Development (formerly IBM Endpoint Manager), you learn the basic Relevance constructs used to create Relevance expressions, how to manipulate various Relevance objects and properties, debugging methods, and how to create Fixlets, tasks, automatic computer groups, Retrieved Properties, and Analyses. The last day is dedicated to developing action scripts for use by Fixlets and tasks. This course is an update to the TP433 class.


This course is oriented towards IBM BigFix users and administrators who are in the role of Fixlet® developer or advanced master operator. This course does not cover Session Relevance.


Explain the role of content in IBM Endpoint Manager
Use the structure and syntax of Relevance language
Describe the essential action script commands
Create custom Fixlets and tasks to take targeted actions
Create custom analyses to retrieve client information