+386 31 748 428 training@compedu.si


XTRN0: Introduction to Networking

DURATION: 2 days

SCHEDULED DATES: TBD – Contact Us for more Information


Introduction to Networking lays the foundation for all courses related to networking. This course will enable better understanding of the theoretical concepts involved in the working of major technologies and protocols related to networking.

This course will provide a broad overview of computer networking while concentrating on a few important theoretical aspects. This will involve an introduction to the basic components of networking focussing on understanding the generic hierarchical view, after which the focus will shift to each of these layers and their functions.

The course also features an Introduction to Data Link Layer concepts, Storage Area Networks, Local Area Networks, Virtual Local Area Networks, TCP/IP, Applications, Network Management and Security.

This course will serve as a thorough review of all basic networking concepts and will initiate further understanding in courses related to installation, configuration and maintenance of networking components like switches and routers.


Enrollment in this course is not restricted.

This is an introduction course for individuals who are involved in the planning, installing, configuring and upgrading of IBM System Networking switches.


There are no prerequisites for this course.


After completing this course, you should be able to:
– Describe the basic components of a communications network
– Describe how switches, bridges and routers work
– Describe the functions of layers in a hierarchical model and understand the importance of each layer in a TCP/IP model
– Describe what LANs, WANs are and be able to give examples
– Describe the evolution of storage and explain the basics of Storage Area Networks
– Describe how TCP/IP is used in the Internet
– Describe how network management is done in a TCP/IP network
– Discuss networking security issues


– Basics of networking
– Network models and protocols
– Introduction to data link layer
– Introduction to LAN and Ethernet
– Introduction to Storage Area Networks
– Introduction to IP routing
– Introduction to TCP/IP file transfer
– Basics of application layer
– Network management and security