+386 31 748 428 training@compedu.si


TM065: IBM Monitoring 8.1.1 Implementation and Administration

DURATION: 2 days

SCHEDULED DATES: TBD – Contact Us for more Information


This course is designed for users, administrators, and implementers.


The target audience for this course is the system architect or system administrator responsible for upgrading a cluster to PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1.


After you complete this course, you can perform the following tasks:
• Describe the IBM Monitoring architecture.
• Install and configure IBM Monitoring.
• Administer, use, and navigate the Performance Management Console to monitor and
manage a monitoring solution that is built with IBM Monitoring.
• Manage events effectively by using facilities that are provided with IBM Monitoring.
• Integrate IBM Monitoring with other products.
• Run reports and a 7-day comparison.